Hidden gems #14

XIV. Following traces of mysterious Dr. Kittel

This trip is connected to the history of Dr. Kittel. As you know one of our partners is Kitl, are you wondering whether there is any connection? This answer will be uncovered by Pavel Kubát, a great Czech orienteerer currently working there. However, let’s start from the beginning. The starting point for this trip is called Pěnčín, the name of the town is historically bound together with catching songbirds, the birds that have a developed vocal organ and are able to produce melody even though not all of them have a melodic effect. Up to that time, many things changed and nowadays this town is popular for its glass production. If you follow the cyclist road you will soon reach a small village called Krásná. There is the first stop for today – Kittelův dům (the house of Dr. Kittel – see the picture). Dr. Kittel lived in the 18. century, he was a doctor that traditionally used herbal medicine to cure his patients of Jizerské hory, Krkonoše and neighbourhood. There are many legends connected to his life, treatments and the hospital that he established in Krásná. Nowadays, tourists can visit the museum that was originally his house called Burk. Notice the church in Krásná, that is connected to his children, more of the legends can be found there. Furthermore, you will see Čertovy kameny, pramen Žernovníku till you reach the top of a hill called Černá studnice. You may climb and count the stairs of the tower there to see this panorama. Finally, we recommend you to visit a local farm called Farma Pěnčín, the place where the best goat cheese, yoghurts or milk is produced. Moreover, you can make your handmade jewellery there. Be creative!


Map with the route here



Kittelův dům

Kittelův dům



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