Hidden gems #20
XX. To Harrach’ s meadow
There is a great hiking day prepared for you, you will have a glance at the Krkonoše, there will be many breathtaking views. Firstly, we need to get to Harrachov. Harrachov is considered as a gate to the Krkonoše. In the beginning, it might not be easy because we need to go up on the top of Čertova hora so for those of you that are not that keen on hiking, you can travel by a chair-lift that is nearby. Then we will follow the blue tourist sign to Studenov, Ručičky with a snack stand and for lunch we recommend you to try bavorské vdolečky in Dvoračky. After we will replenish our strength we will continue upon the red sign to Růženčina zahrádka, which leads through one of the most beautiful parts of the Krkonoše mountains. Finally, from the crossroads called U čtyř pánů we will continue down to Krakonošova snídaně and then we will discover the nature trail Živá a mrtvá Mumlava. This trail leads us to the gorgeous waterfalls called Mumlavské vodopády. Now we are almost at the end of our trip but if you desire to experience more, you might visit the second oldest glassworks in Czechia Sklárny Novosad located in Harrachov. There you can make your own glass flask/ bottle, an awesome souvenir, useful for tap beer in the local mini brewery.
Map with the route here